Vanella Chiropractic Blog

The 3R’s of Rapid Recovery From an Illness

The 3R’s of Rapid Recovery From an Illness

The 3R’s of Rapid Recovery From an Illness 1. Rest Usually the reason we get sick is because we’ve been doing a poor job of this one essential health + resilience building action (or lack of action) – rest. When we’re in a busy, stressful, chaotic season as an individual or as a family it…

Stop Managing Allergies & Start Solving Them

Stop Managing Allergies & Start Solving Them

Stop Managing Allergies and Start Solving Them “It’s just allergies.” How many times have you heard these words that seem to minimize what your child goes through every day? If you’re a parent watching your child battle constant coughing, sneezing, runny nose, and itchy eyes – along with the crushing fatigue and irritability that comes…

What To Do When You’ve Tried It All & Nothing Works

What To Do When You’ve Tried It All & Nothing Works

What To Do When You’ve Tried It All and Nothing Works As a parent, watching your child struggle with chronic health issues can feel like being trapped in an endless maze. You’ve tried everything – special diets, medications, supplements, various therapies – yet the breakthrough you’re desperately seeking remains elusive. If this resonates with you,…

Your Child’s Stimming Is Trying To Tell You Something

Your Child’s Stimming Is Trying To Tell You Something

Your Child’s Stimming is Trying to Tell You Something As a parent of a child with autism, you’ve likely found yourself wondering about those repetitive movements – the hand flapping, rocking, or specific sounds your child makes. Perhaps you’ve received well-meaning but misguided advice to suppress these behaviors or been told “they’ll grow out of…

Vagus Nerve Disorders

Vagus Nerve Disorders

Gross Motor Skills In pediatric chiropractic, there are many conditions, disorders, and symptoms that can be linked to the Vagus Nerve, including Autism, ADHD, Anxiety, Asthma, Allergies, Colic, Reflux, Constipation, Sensory issues, Headaches, Exhaustion, and Gastroparesis. The Vagus Nerve is nicknamed the “wandering nerve” because it originates from the brainstem, travels down along the cervical…

Gross Motor Skills

Gross Motor Skills

Gross Motor Skills Gross motor skills refer to movements that require the entire body, such as sitting upright, walking, running, jumping, climbing, riding a bike, and playing sports. Although most pediatric practitioners primarily assess the core when evaluating gross motor development, it is essential to consider the spine or “neurospinal” system as well. Before initiating…