Chiropractic Care for Dysautonomia: Understanding the Connection

In this article, we will explore the complex topic of dysautonomia, which is a condition that affects the autonomic nervous system responsible for controlling and coordinating every function in our body. Unfortunately, this condition often goes undetected, as most medical doctors do not evaluate the function of the nervous system when assessing illness or sickness. Instead, they rely on lab results and imaging, which do not provide a comprehensive view of the nervous system.
We will delve into the causes and impacts of dysautonomia, including how it can affect your child's health and contribute to various health issues such as anxiety, depression, brain fog, sleep disturbances, ADHD, and gut issues. By understanding dysautonomia and its effects, we can work together to help your child overcome these challenges and improve their overall well-being.
What is Dysautonomia and How Can it Impact Your Health?
Dysautonomia is a condition characterized by an imbalanced and disorganized autonomic nervous system, which can lead to various symptoms and conditions such as anxiety, depression, gut issues, fatigue, brain fog, and sleep disturbances. The autonomic nervous system has two sides - the gas pedal, fight or flight side, and the relaxation side, which are responsible for calm, rest, and emotional regulation.
Children with dysautonomia may experience decreased motility in the gut, leading to reflux, colicky behavior, chronic stomach aches, nausea, and constipation. Additionally, dysautonomia can negatively impact the immune system, causing increased mucus and secretions, and a higher risk of respiratory and immune system congestion, which can manifest into ear infections, sinus infections, and even more severe conditions like asthma, allergies, and pneumonia.
Moreover, dysautonomia has also been linked to mental and emotional challenges such as ADHD, OCD, and anxiety because the autonomic nervous system controls our mood, memory, emotional regulation, depression, and focus.
Finally, dysautonomia can negatively impact the motor system, leading to spasms, tension, neck pain, back pain, headaches, migraines, and weakness.
As a result, addressing the root cause of dysautonomia, which is often related to subluxation in the spine and the vagus nerve, is essential. Subluxation can interfere with the proper functioning of the nervous system, leading to dysautonomia. Medications or chemistry can’t address the issue, and medical testing such as lab results and imaging can’t take care of it. Therefore, the only way to address dysautonomia through the motor system is by addressing tone and coordination in the motor system. As a pediatric chiropractor, correcting subluxations and restoring balance to the autonomic nervous system is what we specialize at doing. Individuals with dysautonomia can significantly improve digestion, immune function, and mental health, leading to happier and healthier lives by seeing a pediatric chiropractor.
Managing multiple health concerns for children can be overwhelming for parents, especially when juggling appointments with specialists, therapists, and psychologists while dealing with daily struggles. However, there is a key piece of information that can tie everything together. In most cases, one underlying issue is causing a range of health concerns such as gut issues, respiratory and immune issues, ADHD, behavioral or cognitive concerns, and more.
Despite the complexity of modern medical technology and lab work, the solution to this issue is surprisingly simple. Our bodies are designed to be healthy, and the nervous system manages the control and coordination of all our various systems. When the nervous system functions well and communicates properly, it leads to better digestion, immune function, sleep, focus, energy, and more.
However, if the nervous system goes haywire, everything downstream can go haywire too. This is where neurologically focused-pediatric chiropractic comes in. By improving the function of the nervous system, we can significantly improve the function of many other systems in the body.
The beauty of this approach is that we can address a multitude of challenges tethered to and caused by one thing, greatly improving the quality of life for children and their families. While many healing arts and options are available, chiropractic care stands out as a simple yet effective solution.
Through hundreds of young patients in our practice, we've witnessed the top three positive responses to chiropractic care, including better sleep, improved energy and emotional regulation, and improved digestive and immune responses. It's incredible how one thing - adjustments - can profoundly impact a child's overall health and well-being.
The primary cause of dysautonomia is subluxation, which refers to the misalignment of the joints and neuro biomechanics of the body in the neuro-spinal system. The neck and spine are especially important in this regard, and subluxation can occur from birth trauma, forceps, vacuum, C-section, induction.
Subluxation can lead to neurological imbalance or dysautonomia by causing an excess of sympathetic fight or flight response, which results in too little parasympathetic or vagus nerve function. A subluxated child with sensory issues may have a meltdown in a store or restaurant, get overwhelmed easily, and struggle with brushing their teeth or wearing certain clothes. Children with subluxation may struggle with regulating their body functions, heart rate, breathing, digestion, immune system, inflammation, and sleep quality, emotions, socialization, and communication.
The word to remember here is “subluxation means stress stuck on.” When that stress is stuck on, it shifts the nervous system into fight or flight mode, causing significant disruptions in a child’s overall well-being. To address subluxation and its effects on a child's well-being, it's crucial to seek neurologically focused pediatric chiropractic care. By identifying and treating subluxation, we can help children regulate their nervous system and improve their overall health and quality of life.
To address subluxation and dysautonomia, the first step is to locate the subluxation. Our advanced INSiGHT scanning technology, which includes thermal, EMG, and HRV scans, can help us to precisely identify and measure the extent of subluxation. Once we have this information, we can create a personalized plan for your child's chiropractic care to correct the subluxation and restore balance to their nervous system.
The chiropractic adjustments we offer aim to release tension and restore proper alignment, with a focus on getting the vagus nerve back to proper function as it plays a crucial role in regulating the autonomic nervous system. To begin, you can schedule a consultation with us where we'll review the results of the scans and provide you with a clear plan for correcting subluxation.
Correcting subluxation is essential for your child's overall health and wellness, and with our advanced scanning technology and clinical protocols, we can help your child achieve optimal health and well-being.
10:00am - 1:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
10:00am - 1:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
10:00am - 1:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
Saturday & Sunday
Vanella Chiropractic
4661 Haygood Rd #110
Virginia Beach, VA 23455